Armanini to Host Concealed Carry Seminars

January 18, 2022

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Mike Armanini (R-Clearfield/Elk) invites residents of the 75th Legislative District to attend one of the concealed carry seminars he is hosting during the month of February.

“These seminars allow gun owners to learn exactly what their rights are under Pennsylvania law and ask our panel of experts any questions they may have about them,” said Armanini. “The Second Amendment is extremely important to our freedom, and everyone who does or plans to own a firearm needs to be well-versed in what you can and cannot do as a registered gun owner.”

The seminars will both take place from 6-8 p.m. on the following dates:

• Thursday, Feb. 10 - Johnsonburg Fire Department, 99 Clarion Road, Johnsonburg. Presenters will be Elk County District Attorney Tom Coppello, Sheriff Todd Caltagarone and NRA Instructor/FFL License Dealer Martin Rosenfeld.

• Wednesday, Feb. 16 - VFW Post 813, 114 Fuller Ave., DuBois. Presenters will be Clearfield County District Attorney Ryan Sayers, Clearfield County Chief Deputy Sheriff Rob Thomas and NRA Instructor/FFL License Dealer Martin Rosenfeld.

Question and answer sessions will be held following the presentations at both events. For planning purposes, Armanini would like anyone wishing to attend either seminar to register in advance by calling his St Marys district office at 1-814-781-6301 or his DuBois district office at 1-814-375-4688.

Representative Michael Armanini
75th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Scott Little

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