Armanini Announces Significant Infrastructure Update for DuBois

January 19, 2022

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Mike Armanini (R-Clearfield/Elk) knows plans for a new sewage treatment plant in the City of DuBois have been on the table for quite a while.

“Before taking office, I was well aware of this project and the ever-increasing need for it because of the stress being placed on the current system,” he said. “I’m glad the city can now make firm plans to break ground and have this key piece of infrastructure become reality.”

On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) awarded $62 million to the City of DuBois for construction of a new facility and system housed in a new administration building that will be accessible by a new road and bridge leading to the site.

“The funding from PENNVEST will be in the form of a combination grant and loan and will also support more than 12,000 feet of new sewer lines,” Armanini added.

PENNVEST provides low-interest loans and grants for new construction or for improvements to publicly or privately-owned drinking water, storm water or sewage treatment facilities, as well as non-point source pollution prevention best management practices.

Representative Michael Armanini
75th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Scott Little

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