Armanini, Smith Applaud Dubois Regional Airport for Landing $415,000 in Aviation Expansion Funding
April 26, 2022
HARRISBURG - Reps. Brian Smith (R-Jefferson/Indiana) and Mike Armanini (R-Clearfield/Elk) congratulated the staff and management of Dubois Regional Airport on being awarded approximately $415,000 in state funding from the Pennsylvania Aviation Transportation Assistance Program.
“This latest expansion of the Dubois Regional Airport is tremendous news for the citizens we serve,” said Smith. “It demonstrates that our regional transportation infrastructure is constantly moving forward and upward. An airport – no matter how large or small – puts communities on the map and drives economic growth.”
Funding for the Dubois Regional Airport expansion project will be allocated as follows:
• $215,000 to rehabilitate T-hangar taxiways and apron pavement.
• $200,000 to rehabilitate the administration building and upgrade existing utilities.
“I want to thank everyone at Dubois Regional Airport who played a role in securing this much-needed state funding,” said Armanini. “Without question, bringing this airport expansion project to fruition will make our communities better places to live, work and raise a family.”
Pennsylvania has 121 public-use aviation facilities including airports, heliports and seaplane bases, and the purpose of this funding is to help expand aviation-related operational and economic opportunities statewide.
For more information on aviation in Pennsylvania, visit
Representative Brian Smith
66th District
Representative Michael Armanini
75th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Ty McCauslin
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