Armanini Recognized by National Small Business Group

October 26, 2022

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Mike Armanini (R-Clearfield/Elk) has been identified as a Guardian of Small Business by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). The award is given to legislators whose voting record demonstrates strong advocacy for all small businesses and small business owners.

Armanini’s career includes a small business background, with 28 years in the metallurgy industry working for Laurel Manufacturing and co-founding Product Assurance Services and Proform Powdered Metals.

Pictured with him (from left) are Jeff Wakeen, a member of NFIB’s Pennsylvania Leadership Council; NFIB Pennsylvania State Director Greg Moreland; and Warren Hudak, also a member of the NFIB Pennsylvania Leadership Council.

Representative Michael Armanini
75th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Scott Little

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