Local Legislators Applaud Healthcare Hiring Initiative

February 23, 2023

HARRISBURG – State Reps. Mike Armanini (R-Clearfield/Elk) and Dallas Kephart (R-Clearfield/Cambria) are happy to announce a grant that should positively impact health care hiring in Elk and Clearfield counties.

“Pennsylvania was experiencing a health care worker shortage before the COVID-19 pandemic, which only aggravated the situation,” Armanini said. “We unfortunately continue to see the medical field struggle to fill positions on the front lines, and hopefully this will change that trajectory.” 

Workforce Solutions for North Central PA, which serves six counties including Elk and Clearfield, is being awarded a $260,000 grant as part of the Nursing Pathway Apprenticeship Industry Partnership for North Central PA program. The funding will be used to target individuals in low- and moderate-income communities and offers opportunities with competitive wages. 

“It’s hard to find someone who hasn’t been negatively impacted by staffing shortages in the medical field in one way or another,” Kephart added. “Whether it’s addressing simple access to care or reducing wait times, this grant is a welcome tool for improving our health care infrastructure, something all Pennsylvanians - especially those in rural areas - heavily depend on.”    

Workforce Solutions for North Central PA attempts to meet the changing needs of area employers and provide resources for job seekers that maximize their career potential and focus on the customers’ needs.

Representative Michael Armanini
75th Legislative District
Representative Dallas Kephart
73rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Scott Little

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