Armanini Weighs in on Shapiro Budget Proposal

March 8, 2023

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Mike Armanini (R-Clearfield/Elk) released the following statement in reaction to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s proposal to increase spending by nearly 6% during the 2023-24 fiscal year:

“Taxpayers know it, business owners know it…you can’t spend what you don’t have. At a time when Pennsylvania households are being challenged to make ends meet, the governor’s budget proposal does little to address those concerns by increasing overall spending to the tune of nearly 6% from last year. He isn’t proposing clearly defined tax increases, but some of his spending proposals will eventually need to somehow be paid for.

“Don’t misunderstand - there are wise investments being made. Increased education funding and addressing mental health issues in our schools paint the picture of a better future. A more inviting climate for existing businesses and those thinking of moving here benefits all Pennsylvanians and the governor’s desire to further reduce the Corporate Net Income Tax is a great start.

“But how do we pay for it? The governor wants to annually access the nearly $5 billion Rainy Day Fund, a figure that is in line with many other states and was built with bipartisan support. This is our safety net, and forecasters say the economic pain is far from over. The ‘hurt’ imposed on households by inflation will be aggravated as Shapiro doesn’t plan to reverse the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) or recognize Pennsylvania’s existing energy sources that must be part of a balanced energy portfolio. In fact, he’s proposing 32 new RGGI-related jobs while failing to acknowledge the damage done to the current and future employment picture by this tax on energy.

“Government spending is inevitable. Spending irresponsibly and in excess of what is reasonable is irresponsible. This is just a proposal, one which will be closely scrutinized during the upcoming House Appropriations Committee hearings.”

Questions about this or any legislative issue may be directed to Armanini’s DuBois office at 1-814-375-4688 or his St Marys office at 1-814-781-6301.

Rep. Michael Armanini
75th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Scott Little

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