Armanini, Dush: Clearfield, Elk County Sewer and Stormwater Infrastructure to be Upgraded
December 19, 2023
HARRISBURG – Six Clearfield and Elk County municipalities are successful in their application for Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) grants to upgrade their sewer and stormwater treatment systems, according to state Rep. Mike Armanini (R-Clearfield/Elk) and state Sen. Cris Dush (R-25).
“The CFA administers Pennsylvania’s economic stimulus packages as an independent agency of the Department of Community and Economic Development,” said Armanini. “Their decisions on these grant applications are welcome news to the local government officials who chose to apply for funding, as well as the people they serve.”
Here are the grant recipients and details of the award they’ll be receiving:
• Curwensville Municipal Authority - more than $139,000 for security and performance improvements at the borough’s wastewater treatment facility.
• Fox Township Sewer Authority - $484,500 for upgrades to the Pontzer Pump Station.
• Huston Township Municipal Authority - $75,000 for rehabilitation of two water tanks.
• Jay Township - more than $423,000 for upgrades to the Weedville Wastewater Treatment Plant.
• Johnsonburg Borough - more than $63,000 to expand municipal collection facilities as part of the Hemlock Street Stormwater Extension Project.
• Kratzer Run Sewer Authority - $85,000 for improvements at their wastewater treatment facility in Penn Township, Clearfield County.
“Water and sewer systems are critical to the health and safety of our local communities, but very expensive to build and maintain,” Dush added. “Securing this funding will help to offset costs which means ratepayers do not have to bear the brunt of these expensive improvements that in the end safeguard local water supplies, prevent pollution in our streams, and promote public health.”
The CFA is an independent agency of the Department of Community and Economic Development and administers Pennsylvania’s economic stimulus packages. Project approval requires five affirmative votes from the seven board members, four of which must come from legislative appointees.
Representative Michael Armanini
75th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Senator Cris Dush
25th Legislative District
Pennsylvania State Senate
Media Contact: Scott Little
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