Armanini, Kephart to Host License Plate Replacement Events

July 25, 2024

HARRISBURG - State Reps. Mike Armanini (R-Clearfield/Elk) and Dallas Kephart (R-Clearfield/Cambria) are partnering with members of local law enforcement to help constituents with free replacement of license plates that have become difficult to read.

“A registration plate is deemed illegible when one or more numbers or letters cannot be recognized from 50 feet or if the registration plate shows any blistering, peeling, discoloration or loss of reflectivity,” said Kephart. “We’re hosting two opportunities to have those plates replaced.”

Copies of forms MV-44 and MV-46 will be available for plate holders to fill out and members of Armanini’s staff will handle getting them to PennDOT for submission. Here are details on the two events, both of which will take place from 4-6 p.m.:

• Wednesday, Aug. 7 - St Marys Area Middle School, 979 S. St. Marys Road, St. Marys.
• Wednesday Aug. 14 - Curwensville Community Center 11 Stadium Drive, Curwensville.

“We really appreciate both the St Marys and Curwensville Police departments for helping us get this accomplished,” Armanini added. “It will be a quick turnaround for anyone operating a vehicle with an illegible license plate and dealing directly with local law enforcement allows us to avoid the usual plate replacement fee associated with replacement.”

Representative Michael Armanini
75th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Scott Little

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