Armanini Events to Address Elder Fraud

September 9, 2024

HARRISBURG - Rep. Mike Armanini (R-Clearfield/Elk) is hosting a pair of Senior Scam Jam events for older adults in the 75th District. 

“Elder fraud is an expensive crime, and older Americans seem to be disproportionately impacted by scams and fraud,” Armanini said. “We’re partnering with the Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities to teach seniors how to avoid common scams that lead to identity theft and financial fraud through fun, interactive games.”

The Scam Jam seminars will take place from 10 a.m. to noon on the following dates: 

   • Tuesday, Sept. 17, at the Parkside Community Center, 120 W. Park Ave., DuBois.

   • Wednesday, Sept. 18, at Ridgway Senior Junction, 321 W. Main St., Ridgway

“The Scam Jam is designed to help older Pennsylvanians and their loved ones learn the red flags to proactively spot scams and protect themselves and their families, as well as how to report suspected cases of fraud,” said Armanini. “We’re also glad to have the district attorneys’ offices in both Clearfield and Elk counties assisting with the presentation.” 

For planning purposes, anyone wishing to attend either event should call the DuBois office at 814-375-4688 or the St Marys office at 814-781-6301.

Representative Michael Armanini
75th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Scott Little


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